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Writer's pictureIrene Silva

Whispers and Giggles: A Sensory Journey into the World of Autism

Updated: Apr 11

Toddlers are a piece of art, they are an exquisite mixture of quirks, emotions, likingness, preferences, and whatnot. 

However, for some curious thinkers, the world unfolds into a kaleidoscope of heightened senses. Car horns turn into needles that spear into ears, white light burns too bright for them, and animals talk in their imagination creating a blurring line between reality and fantasy.

These are the children who are different, good, different. They might come under autism spectrum variations and as parents, it is important to develop skills to understand their distinct perspectives. Today, we will explore how to beautifully support and cherish our kids who experience everyday normal things in their heightened senses.

Step Inside Their World:

Imagine the world as a cacophony of sights, sounds, and textures. A bustling market might feel like a sensory burden, and a playground's joyful laughs feel like overwhelming noise. 

By understanding and empathizing with your child's perspective, you pave your way to a deeper comprehension of their challenges. Imagine how they perceive the world, and adjust your expectations accordingly. It sounds difficult, I know but it’s worth it once you hop into their world. 

For example, You want Lara to come have dinner, as it’s getting late. You call her “Lara, it’s dinner time, come quickly sweetheart” She doesn’t respond, You call her again, “Lara, darling I’ve made your favorite dish”

No response, You walk to her room and you see she’s making finger shadows while lying down on the floor and she’s so invested in that. And you join her by making finger shadows, playing with her characters, and calling her out for dinner, just in a fraction of a second, she gets happy and you both are laughing. Now that’s what we call hopping into their world.

Become Their Inspiration:

Forget the pre-written rules for your children, improvise! Engage in their interests, explore their favorite instruments, and create a safe place where their uniqueness blossoms. This promotes connections, builds trust, and paves the way to clear communication. And having a strong bond with your child is as important as being in their world. They would trust you with their world. 

Speak Their Language:

It is difficult for your child to communicate what they want. They might say “Want dat, want dat, dat, DAT” and you have no idea what exactly dat they want. 

To clearly and precisely understand what they want or are trying to say, use visual aids, gestures, and playful actions. These can fill the gap and help you understand their feelings and needs. 

Turn Down the Volume, Not the Music:

Most of the time we cannot adjust to their needs but whenever we can control the environment according to their needs, we should. Dim the lights, turn off the music on the speakers that bothers them, offer calm spaces for sensory breaks, and give them a routine that caters to their tempo. Remember, it’s not about changing but creating a sense of calmness in their world.

Celebrate the Melody, Not Just the Notes:

We always think about how if we had the chance to flourish in streams that we wanted to pursue, we could have been living greater than a sedentary lifestyle. Well, to overcome this scenario for your kids it is far better to focus on what your child can do perfectly rather than focusing on something that they struggle with. Encourage their strengths, their unique talents, and motivate them to explore their passions on a deeper level. This generated confidence and strengthened bonds. It also helps them to build a positive self-image, allowing their true self to shine.

Laughter is the Universal Language:

It’s so much better to make a challenging task all fun and games with giggles and joyful laughs. These help in connecting with your child on a higher level. Use lightheartedness to diffuse the meltdowns, and eventually create a happy joyful environment where communication and growth come naturally and are not forced.

Remember, there's no single sheet music for raising these extraordinary children. Today’s article offers a collection of instruments to help you improvise, adapt, and create a beautiful symphony of understanding and connecting with your unique little musician. Embrace their rhythm, join their song, and create a masterpiece of love and acceptance.

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